
Board of Trustee 政策: 6.3


取代: October 2011, May 2003
本政策是全面的,并取代所有以前的政策和声明有关 Equal 就业 Opportunity, Affirmative Action and Diversity.


重申和重申学院对多样性和原则的持续承诺 of equal opportunity; to increase effectiveness by setting forth the action being 学院及其雇员在平等机会问题上采取了并将采取的措施 in educational programs and employment.  


Equal Opportunity Statement

Montgomery County Community College is committed to assuring equal opportunity to 所有的人,不歧视基于种族,肤色,宗教,性别(包括 怀孕),血统,国籍,年龄(40岁或以上),性取向,基因 信息,退伍军人身份,婚姻状况或残疾在其教育计划中, activities, or employment practices as required by Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other applicable statutes. Inquiries concerning Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and/or 504 合规或ADA应提交给:公平与多样性倡议主任, (215) 619-7383.


学院承诺遵守所有有关不歧视的适用法律. Furthermore, it shall strive to build a diverse community in which opportunity is 不分种族、肤色、宗教、性别(包括怀孕), 血统,国籍,年龄(40岁或以上),性取向,遗传信息, veteran’s status, marital status or disability . The College is also committed to 提供教育机会,制定明确的行动计划,并采取行动 作为一个负责任的机构,减少或消除教育和工作的不平等 在所有人民之间,并将采取积极步骤,对公平的需要作出反应 distribution of education and job access among all people. The College is further 致力于采取措施增加个人在岗位上的人数 they have not been traditionally employed.

Specific 政策 - 就业

The College will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment 因为种族、肤色、宗教、性别(包括怀孕)、血统、国籍, 年龄(40岁或以上),性取向,遗传信息,退伍军人状况,婚姻状况 status or disability . Further, the College, through its employment practices and 程序将为其所有不同的活动征聘和雇用合格的人员 and at all of its facilities. The College provides equal opportunities before and 在雇佣期间通过管理其人事计划的每一个阶段而没有 考虑到种族、肤色、宗教、性别(包括怀孕)、血统、国籍, 年龄(40岁或以上),性取向,遗传信息,退伍军人状况,婚姻状况 status or disability


  1.  蒙哥马利县社区学院(MCCC)将根据资格进行招聘 以及个人能力,不分种族、肤色、宗教、性别(包括怀孕), 血统,国籍,年龄(40岁或以上),性取向,遗传信息, veteran’s status, marital status or disability.
  2. 招聘来源将通过书面和口头通知的方式进行通知 College’s policy and commitment to equal employment opportunity and diversity.
  3. 招聘实践将侧重于创造一种有利于吸引合格人才的感觉 diverse candidates. 
  4. 学院将在专业人才中加强和发展新的人才来源 in and oriented toward placement of diverse candidates.  
  5. MCCC将启动bt365体育备用网站工作和与中学的联络项目 有色人种和女性聚集的大学也会被包括在内 in regular recruitment schedules and visits.

Some version of the below phrase will be used on all recruitment literature: 

蒙哥马利县社区学院(MCCC)有很强的制度承诺 多元化,致力于通过多元化的教育和就业实现卓越. MCCC, an EEO Employer, provides equal employment and educational opportunities to all who are qualified. In keeping with the College’s diversity initiative, MCCC seeks 欢迎具有多元文化背景的申请者 experience, and those who can demonstrate a commitment to diversity.

  1. 对有色人种、女性和其他不同个体的新闻媒体的使用 will be a part of the College’s advertising practices. 
  2. 人力资源办公室和公平与多样性倡议主任应 协助招聘所有职位的合格申请人 有空缺职位的部门或单位,应当特别努力增加 the diversity of the applicant pool. 
  3. 9.   Advertisements of open positions in the instructional, executive/managerial professional/administrative 技术类别将被放在这些专业期刊和工作登记处 哪一种方法可以扩大申请人的范围,以及那些现成的人 of color, women, and other diverse groups.
  4. 10. When a 遴选委员会 is formed, every effort will be made to form a diverse 遴选委员会.  In any case, the 遴选委员会 will utilize methods most likely to result in the inclusion of qualified, diverse individuals in the interview pool.
就业 and Placement
  1. Applicants for employment are 被认为是 and placed without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), ancestry, national origin, age (40 or older), 性取向、遗传信息、退伍军人身份、婚姻状况或残疾. The College will continue to display official Equal 就业 Opportunity posters in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment.
  2. 就业 application forms are in compliance with applicable federal law.
  3. 筛选程序,如申请审查,面试和测试是有效的, 标准化,并与适用的法律和可接受的人员实践相一致. 为了不对有色人种、女性的就业机会造成不利影响, 和其他不同的人一样,招聘面试官会特别指导 in the College’s equal employment opportunity policy and commitment to diversity.
  4. 人力资源厅将保存面谈的记录,并保存面谈的记录 results of interviews.
Promotions, Demotions, Layoffs, Recalls, and Transfers
  1. 为了降职、裁员、召回、晋升、调动的机会, 以及填补临时空缺,员工的资格,包括能力 工作和服务,不分种族、肤色、宗教、 性别(包括怀孕)、血统、国籍、年龄(40岁或以上)、性取向、 genetic information, veteran’s status, marital status or  disability .
  2. 为确保晋升机会均等,学院会在全院范围内公布 本公司现诚邀有意者前来应聘 被认为是. 
Personnel 政策

Personnel policies and practices such as compensation and benefit programs are the subject of periodic review to ensure that they are consistent with applicable and current legal requirements and that they are administered without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), ancestry, national origin, age (40 or older),  genetic information, marital status, veteran’s status or disability.

Subcontractors, Independent Contractors, and Vendors
  1. MCCC将努力利用有色人种、妇女和其他人士的服务 分包商、独立承包商和供应商关系中的不同集团.  
  2. MCCC will incorporate the Equal 就业 Opportunity Statement in each business   contract and affiliated agency contract and purchase order.  
Release of Information from Personnel Data Files
  1. 为防止侵犯隐私,小心控制是中冶集团的政策 获取人事档案中包含的个人识别数据,包括因素 比如种族、肤色、宗教、性别(包括怀孕)、血统、国籍、 年龄(40岁或以上),性取向,遗传信息,退伍军人状况,婚姻状况 status or  disability.