
校董会 政策: 5.11

日期: 2006年6月

取代: n/a


蒙哥马利县社区学院(简称“学院”)渴望为广大的社区做出贡献 body of public 知识 through the research and scholarship of its employees. 每一个人 鼓励与学院有关的人员进行自由交流和表达 思想,探索学术的新前沿,拓展 知识. This Copyright 政策 of the College is intended to promote these goals.

就本版权政策而言,“学院员工”将包括(a)所有教员 工作人员,无论是全职还是兼职,以及(b)学生和学生工作者, whether compensated or not. The term “作者”, as used in this Copyright 政策, shall refer to the individual creator of a 工作.


Works Protected by Copyright Law

美国版权法保护以有形形式固定的原创作品的作者身份 medium of expression. Copyrighted material includes, but is not limited to, books, 文章、课堂讲稿、音乐、电影、电脑软件、艺术品和其他文学作品 作品. Copyright law does not protect ideas, facts, processes, methods of operation, 概念或原则,虽然它确实保护了原始表达的特殊性 ideas, facts and concepts.

著作权法赋予著作权人专有权和授权权 others to do the following five things: (a) reproduce the copyrighted 工作; (b) make derivative 作品 based upon the original copyrighted 工作; (c) distribute copies of the copyrighted 工作; (d) in the case of literary, musical, dramatic and choreographed 作品及电影等音像作品,以表演版权为准 工作 publicly; and (e) in the case of literary, musical, dramatic and choreographed 作品及图画、图形和雕塑作品,以展示作品的著作权 publicly (collectively, the “Exclusive Rights”).

所有员工都必须遵守与版权有关的各种法律 use, creation and ownership. To assist, copyright guidelines for employees are located 在蒙哥马利县社区学院版权指南手册,这是 available to all employees, and located in the sections below. Questions about copyright 有关事宜应向图书馆服务处处长提出,由他谘询 the attorney for the College. Training will be made available regularly to employees 由图书馆服务主任领导,并通过图书馆服务中心协调 根据行政部门的决定或要求进行教学 雇员的情况.

Coexistence With the Patent 政策

本版权政策仅涉及版权材料的使用和所有权. Methods, products, processes and other inventions that are potentially patentable and that are conceived or developed by College Employees and others in the course 学院的发明和专利政策涵盖了他们的教学或研究 (the “Patent 政策”). To the extent that any provision of this Copyright 政策 conflicts 对于本专利政策的任何规定,应以本专利政策的条款为准. 在某种程度上,学院创造的一些材料既可以获得专利,也可以获得版权, 专利政策的条款应管辖该等知识产权 作品.

Ownership of Copyrightable Material
  1. Ownership by College Employees. 一般来说,在非学术领域,任何由 一个雇员在他或她的工作的推进中被拥有,作为一个问题 law, by his or her employer. In the academic arena, however, it is customary for colleges, 大学和其他教育机构放弃任何声称他们 may have in and to the 作品 created by their employees. Under this Copyright 政策, except in those circumstances described in Article IV, Paragraphs B and C hereof, 学院特此放弃所有的版权拥有权 any 作品 created by College Employees, and hereby assigns, transfers and conveys 学院可能拥有其各自作者的作品的任何版权.
  2. Ownership by the College. 如果学院委托学院员工创作具有版权的作品, 并且学院和制作作品的学院员工事先书面同意 该作品的版权归学院所有和/或该版权归学院所有 to such 工作 is assigned and transferred to the College, the College will own the copyright in and to such 工作.
  3. Ownership by Third Parties. Where the copyrightable 工作 results from a grant or other financing provided by 或通过美国或任何州或地方政府,该等的所有权 工程将受适用的赠款或合同条款的约束,根据这些条款 the financing was provided. If there is no such document, or if such document does 未解决权属问题的,则著作权作品的权属归属 be determined in accordance with the terms of this Copyright 政策.
Control Over Copyrightable Works
  1. Where the College Relinquishes 版权所有权. 在学院放弃作品版权所有权的情况下,有利于 如本版权政策第4条A款所述,作者 作者应享有其所有权利,包括与 该作品的著作权和将其商业化的权利 工作.
  2. Where the College Retains 版权所有权. In cases where the College retains copyright ownership of a 工作, as described in 本版权政策第4条B款,学院有权 行使与该等所有权相关的任何及所有专有权 copyrighted 工作, including the right to commercialize the copyrighted 工作. 应该 学院因其商业化而收到任何版税或其他款项 对受著作权保护的作品,应当按照著作权法的规定分配使用费 专利政策中规定的版税支付时间表,除非学院和 作者同意学院与学院之间的书面安排有所不同 作者.
  3. This Copyright 政策 不打算随着学院的长期传统而减少 员工之间分享和传播他们的作品,思想和学术 他们的同事. This sharing of 知识 is understood by all College Employees 是书院使命的重要组成部分,并应继续得到鼓励.
  4. 纠纷. 对作品的著作权归属发生争议的 在学院和任何学院员工之间,此类争议应提交给 由委员会根据本专利规定的程序解决 政策. The Committee shall consist of the following individuals.
  • Vice President of Information Technology
  • Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost
  • Vice President for Administration and Finance
  • One Faculty member from each Division